Stuart Benson

Apr 15, 20202 min

Boy builds birdhouses, business booms

When Corin Leclair, 15, started building birdhouses with his dad, Eric, in March, it was just a way for Eric to keep his son busy in between schoolwork while stuck at home because of COVID-19.

“My dad and I were originally just building some for our backyard, and then we made a few more and gave them away as gifts to our neighbours,” Corin explained. “Some of them gave us money for them.”

That was when Leclair’s dad decided to make a Facebook post in the Wakefield/Chelsea Folks groups, as well as their neighbourhood group Radapaw Connections, and soon enough, his son had sold over 50 birdhouses.

“From mine and his mother's perspective, it's a good opportunity to learn a few skills like math and woodworking, plus basic ideas of marketing and calculating costs,” Eric explained.

“Next thing you know, he's busy in the garage building more because the orders just keep coming in.”
Photo courtesy of Corin Leclair

One of the first birdhouses Corin gave as a gift was to his neighbours, Yan and Glynis Peters, who live across the street and are Corin’s “defacto uncle and aunt” according to Eric.

Glynis has encouraged Corin’s artistic side as he grew up and was so pleased with the birdhouse, she has decided to buy more.

“It's really nice wood and fits in well with the neighbourhood,” she said. “We sent ours back because he’s offering to make different sized openings depending on what kinds of birds you have.”

Anna Nicole, a resident of Radapaw Ridge, bought two after seeing his Facebook post on Radapaw Connections, a group for the residents and homeowners on roads connected to the neighbourhood in Chelsea.

“They looked like they were really well-made and I wanted to support his efforts,” Anna said. “I really applauded his initiative, and I can always use birdhouses living out here with so many birds.”

Corin Leclair, 15, working in his garage building birdhouses. Photo courtesy Corin Leclair

If you would like to buy a birdhouse you can reach out to Leclair or his dad on Facebook, or email, he has also created an online order form customers can use at Leclair is selling birdhouses for $20 for one, $18 for two, and $15 for three or more. Payment is only being accepted through PayPal and e-transfer to observe self-distancing precautions. They will drop off the birdhouses, keeping a safe distance.
